Monday, October 17, 2011

Substitute Teaching

I was chatting with a friend yesterday who also substitute teaches and we were discussion how hard it is to be a substitute teacher. We both have our teaching degrees and have practice and experience in the classroom but it is still a challenge to go into different classrooms everyday and teach different students. But with all that said I really enjoying substitute teaching. I think subbing is the best because you get to do the fun part of teaching which is the actual teaching! You don't have to worry about lesson plans, tracking students progress, meetings and everything else that teachers should get paid a lot more to do. Substitute teaching is also great because if you do happen to have a bad class or bad experience you don't have to sub for that class ever again. I've experienced a few of those classrooms and was glad I wasn't the full time teacher. Overall I'm grateful I get to substitute teach! It is hard but a great experience.

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