I have been very lucky and really have enjoyed being pregnant (for the most part). But there are a few things I have noticed as I get further along in my pregnancy and I wanted to see if other women have felt this way.
You know you're pregnant when:
1. You keep the Tums on the nightstand by your bed instead of the medicine cabinet.
2. You dread the thought of having to tie your own shoes because it takes so much effort.
3. You try to find the parking spots where you can pull forward so you don't have to back out and try to turn enough to see behind you (I make Spencer drive sometimes just because it's hard to turn around or even check my blinds spots).
4. If you spill anything it ends up on your shirt because your belly is too big to be avoided.
5. After you do the dishes or wipe the counters your husband points out that your belly is wet and you didn't even notice because you can't see the wet part he is talking about.
6. You work up a sweat when clipping your toe nails.
I promise I'm not lazy it is just really amazing how hard the simplest tasks become once you're pregnant and your belly grows so much. Feel free to leave your comments and give a "You know you're pregnant when..." example.